Topic Report 8: Re-use of Parliamentary Data

    Ich habe für die ePSIplatform einen weiteren Topic Report über die Nachnutzung von Parlamentsdaten geschrieben. Hier das PDF und einen Auszug des 28 Seitigen Dokuments.

    The application of ICT to the documentation of legislative processes has become a growing trend in parliamentary monitoring over the last decade. Different actors such as governments, civil society organisations, citizens and companies have begun to asses and monitor the functioning of parliaments as well as their individual members.

    This has led to the creation of many websites, tools and services that make use of parliamentary data in order to better explain, analyse, contextualise and visualise how parliaments actually work.

    Although the objectives of these projects may vary, there is evidence that a growing demand for more parliamentary data to be made available in a structured and machine readable way with open licenses exists. Parliaments themselves and citizens mostly share the same strategic goal of increased access and participation. While the new approaches have opened up a vast range of possibilities for citizens and parliamentarians interaction, these still remain under-utilised.